Life Languages
The Art of Knowing how to communicate at a heart level with those around you is a must-have skill...
Life Languages™ is the how!
If you would like more information regarding Life Languages, you may contact one of our coaches below:
Telleah Rogers
Josh Rhoads
In order to successfully lead others, we must first be able to lead ourselves, and in order to do that we must know ourselves, the KLA will help you do that.
We all Think, Feel and Act, but not everyone processes life in the same way or at the same speed. Your personal Life Languages™ profile will show you HOW you process life and HOW you communicate with those around you.
We are all different and in any team, some people need to express their FEELings first, others need time to THINK before they speak, whilst some need to ACT quickly and decisively.
One common factor is that everyone needs to be appreciated, validated, and understood. Therefore knowing how to do that skillfully will bring unity and a sense of belonging to any team or family.
It is a skill that is not taught in mainstream education or in the workplace, however, it can be easily learned.