About Us

BringING life to people and churches around the world


Our vision is to cultivate a relational network of churches that exist to bring life to people and local churches around the world.


Our mission is to be the “stream of life” that builds with those that share our vision and bless those that carry their own.

JOIN OUR journey to see:

  • We understand the feeling of being stuck and unheard. We want to flip the paradigm and ask you two questions: what dreams has God put in your heart, and how can we support them?

    Our heart's desire is to see your dreams fulfilled. When your dream becomes ours, you're empowered to express God's heart, fulfill your dreams, and change the world.

  • We believe that revelation is progressive and that uniformity is not the same as unity. That's why we're a relational network based on a shared vision, not a shared doctrine. We're united by our shared Heavenly Father and mutual respect for our differences. Therefore, we build with those who carry our vision and bless those who don't.

  • We empathize with the challenges of leading a small church. Wearing multiple hats — a preacher, a counselor, a technician — is a tasking journey we understand well.

    By leveraging the available resources within our network, we can better support and empower you as a leader. We'll face the challenges together, making the most of our shared resources for the greater good and fulfillment of our God-given dreams.

Meet the Team

Statement of faith

Life streams is an apostolic, relational network of churches and ministries that exists to steward the ever-increasing experience of Heaven-invading-earth and pass it on to the next generation.

Our mandate is to raise up a generation to openly display the raw power of God. Revival is our passion, and our purpose is to create a supernatural structure that empowers and equips leaders to fulfill their God-given destiny.

We seek to build Kingdom government through our relationships and affections., holding honor at the center and celebrating the resulting greater revelation, greater works, and increase.

We intend for Life Streams to facilitate authentic and strategic relationships, which enable an exchange of Kingdom life. It is imperative that these Kingdom connections become catalytic, promoting both individual and corporate identity and destiny. Our prayer is that as we grow together in relationship with each other, the borders of the Kingdom will be increasingly extended into the world.

How far can we go with a Government of Honor?