Landing and Launching

The concept of “landing and launching” was birthed out of 3 John, where John writes to us: “Brothers, you’ll do well to send people on their way in a manner worthy of God, even though you don’t know them.”

As a house, I feel God has given us a mandate to support a vision bigger than just our family. We are like a ship that holds not just our people on the way to our destination, but a place where others can land and take refuge on their own journey. 

Firstly, picture an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean. It has a huge surface upon which planes can land. Some people will resemble the fighter pilot who has been at war, and they need respite. Some people will literally crash onto our runway. Some we’ll have to rescue from drowning because they might just slide off the end of the carrier. 

We’re seeing it now, with people crash landing at the house. People who are under fire and have become burnt out from ministry. People who don’t necessarily know Bath City Church, but will recognise it as a safe place; a place of refuge. And they will stay for a while, park their planes and eat with us. 

They’ll be able to feed, rest, get refuge, input and refuel, as we launch them back onto their journey. We’ll also see people who will come in to help those who have crashed. Some will come and stay just because they love the ship, the family.

And to me, that is what I think 3 John is about— ‘sending them on their way in a manner worthy of God, even though they are strangers to you.’ That gives me great joy as it honours and blesses God when we are faithful with what we’ve been given. 

Secondly, there is a difference between those who are sent out, and those that went out. Look at Josh and Kara; they were sent from the house to change the industry to which God has called them, but they’re still a part of the family. 

In the past people might have proclaimed “Well if you’re being supported, we need to know what you’re doing!” That paradigm is shifting. There are those that are on staff, but there are those who we also support as ministries, especially when it comes to changing culture. 

We’re an apostolic community — that means we send people out. We are being sent to the 4 corners of the earth to change culture. We must enjoy the blessing of sending, rather than the mentality of “ they’re always gone!” God didn’t just love Bath, He loves the whole world. We must have a bigger perspective because that’s when God does big things. 

The secular and spiritual divide is dissolving. Wherever we are, 2 Corinthians 5:20 states that we are “Christ ambassadors.” It doesn’t matter whether you went to bible college or business school — We are all in full-time ministry. 

Regarding the local church, in Psalm 127:1 it is written, “God establishes the house but He watches over the city.” In a city there are lots of houses, and many households. In each household is a different culture. We’re now seeing a unity between households and churches like never before. We are seeing elders within a city (rather than a church) govern what comes in and out of the city spiritually.

But what if you weren’t sent? What if you just, went? 

Someone recently asked me “Do you have any wisdom for us?” I replied “Either create a team, or join one. Because God is all about team.” 

We have the mind of Christ, not I. It’s probably one of the most misquoted parts of scripture. Wisdom is found in the counsel of many. He gave gifts unto men, pl. and we need one another. When someone tells me “I’m kind of an apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, etc.” I say to them, “Oh well it’s nice to meet you Jesus!” Nobody has it all, and if they think they do then they are in error.

If you are working for a church but are scared of following your vision because of fear of losing your job, I would ask you whether you are in an environment that is big enough for you. Maybe you need a bigger environment to spread your wings. 

For the church to keep growing, we must keep a big vision. We cannot hold tightly to what we currently possess. We must hold it lightly. Otherwise we risk controlling what God is doing, which is a fear-based mentality. 

And if something feels too big for you to accomplish, that’s the point; scary is an opportunity for growth. But as Josh says, “If you have nothing to lose, and nothing to prove then you’re in a great place” because you’re truly dead to self. 


I Can & I Am


More than Enough